Racists Blacks Fret About Sole White Lady

by | Nov 27, 2012 | Politics, Society

Black leaders are growing increasingly worried that a white candidate might seize the seat of former Democratic Rep. Jesse Jackson in the upcoming Illinois special election.

With a host of black candidates announcing their intention to seek the seat, the concern is that they could split the African-American vote and provide a plurality to a white contender. The worries escalated this week after former Rep. Debbie Halvorson, a white Democrat and veteran of suburban Chicago politics, threw her hat into the ring.  …

“There’s a great deal of concern that Debbie Halvorson would win because the black vote would be split 18 ways,” said Delmarrie Cobb, a longtime Democratic political consultant in Chicago who formerly worked for Jackson Jr.“The battle we have is that we can’t afford to lose a black voice in Congress,” she added. “It would be a terrible loss in many ways.”

via POLITICO.com.

Where’s MLK or even Malcolm X when we need them?

It’s just so sad.  I fear we’re heading backwards.  This attitude is not going to help blacks and whites get along.  It’s politics of division.  It’s only making the problem worse.

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