Corrupt Civil Rights Leaders Won’t Support School Choice

So says Juan Williams: “The civil rights challenge of this generation is education,” Williams said. “Dr. King would never allow anybody to buy his silence, to buy him off.” He charged that unions are paying off civil rights leaders like Reverend Al Sharpton so that...

Problems in Pennsylvania Schools

Well over 100 educators will eventually face state disciplinary charges for cheating that could lead to the revocation of their professional certificates, Tomalis said. But that could take years, and the results of state disciplinary board hearings in Harrisburg would...

‘Why Didn’t White Folks Keep Them for Themselves?’

The Chicago Teachers Union, and school employee unions in general, are pulling out all the stops to slow down a school choice and education reform movement that is bowling them over in numerous states and cities. Bold reform efforts are being pushed by the likes of...

CPS Teacher’s Union Fights Everything

Having absolutely no logic to defend their position: With a 90-day deadline on negotiations with the teachers union having passed, Chicago Public Schools can implement a teacher evaluation system that will see student performance count for 25 percent of an elementary...