DNC, Obama Campaign: It’s “Okay” to Vote Twice

When undercover reporters visited various [DNC] locations across the country they received the same response from Obama campaign staffers – that it’s basically okay to vote multiple times if you happen to be registered in two or more states. In Houston, Texas, for...

Obama Releases Al Qaeda Killer of U.S. Soldier

Omar Khadr was recently released from Gitmo.  What did he do again? Khadr killed Sergeant First Class (SFC) Christopher Speer. Khadr’s advocates said this wasn’t true because Khadr was incapacitated during al Qaeda’s firefight with American troops. But they were...

MSM is a Fundamental Threat to Democracy

In case you don’t know, Pat Caddell was part of team Jimmy Carter.  He is no right-winger or tin-hat wearer. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBR4g6cBYeA?rel=0] It’s safe to say if you were not aware that U.S. embassies all over the Middle East and...

China Crushes Man by Steamroller

A villager in northern China attempting to resist a forced government relocation by remaining on his land was brutally crushed to death by a road flattening truck on the orders of a Chinese government official.  … The victim, He Zhi Hua, refused to accept a...

How Carter Beat Reagan

Remember when Jimmy Carter beat Ronald Reagan in 1980?  … In a series of nine stories in 1980 on “Crucial States” — battleground states as they are known today — the New York Times repeatedly told readers then-President Carter was in a...