Corrupt Civil Rights Leaders Won’t Support School Choice

by | Aug 28, 2013 | Education, Media, Society

So says Juan Williams:

“The civil rights challenge of this generation is education,” Williams said. “Dr. King would never allow anybody to buy his silence, to buy him off.”

He charged that unions are paying off civil rights leaders like Reverend Al Sharpton so that they will not support charter schools and education vouchers. “Poor people need better schools and you can’t make excuses at the cost of our children and our children’s future.”

via Fox News Insider. (with video.)

The editor didn’t even choose the best quotes.

“They don’t ever want those civil rights leaders to stand up and say ‘Yes.’ to charter schools. ‘Yes.’ to vouchers.”  …  “We need  — the black community — better schools.”

This is a big story.  But the MSM will not touch it.  Sadly.

Poor children being denied a good education is a tragedy.

Civil rights leaders on the take not supporting educational choice for these poor children is a travesty.

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